Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Memorial Day Weekend

Since the kids were gone this weekend (every other weekend visitation with their dad) M and I decided to take a trip to go spend the weekend with his family in Iowa. I enjoy our trips there, considering they don't happen as often I was like them to. So Friday night we took off. After driving for 3 hours on Friday night and since both of us had gotten up early Friday morning, we decided to hault the driving for the night and stay at a hotel.

Needless to say I need to remember no matter where we are going to bring my own shampoo, conditioner and body wash. There was barely enough shampoo to cover the hair on my head, plus trying to save some for M and the body wash (bar of soap) made my body feel hard as rubber. Definitely not a pleasant feeling especially if I am up at 5AM in the morning anyway. By 5:15, I was out of the shower getting ready for the day and trying to drag M out of bed (Have I ever mentioned that somedays I feel like I have 3 children instead of 2) By 5:45, he was up and in the shower. As I am trying to get ready I realize "crap no hair dryer" but then remember reading in the hotel bulletin thing ( I know great use of words) that they had hair dryers at the front desk, so I wandered out of my room hair wrapped in towel, looking like death warmed over, in an attempt to find a hair dryer. I arrived at the front desk and her words were like knives "well I'll have to check and see if we have any left" UGHHH! There better be or I'll look like a zombie all day. She comes back 5 minutes later with hair dryer in hand! WOOHOO!

Arriving back at the room, M is out of the shower and laying back down in bed. (REALLY) Getting him back up and out of the room, we head out to our continental breakfast. This was NOT a breakfast. It consisted of doughnuts, raisin bran, cheerios, coffee and juice. I chose a not so healthy looking doughnut and a cup of juice and ate.

We were checked out of the hotel by 6:30AM and on the road. We had another 5 hours to drive, so I wanted to get going a little earlier, but 6:30 will work. M seemed pretty tired and after arguing with him for 15 minutes on who should drive, I grabbed a blanket and took a nap myself (I needed my beauty sleep anyway)

I finally woke up 3 hours away from our destination and offered to drive. He informs me that he is no longer tired so he can handle it. We did however eventually make it to our destination and had a great weekend.

After much debate this weekend, we also mentioned possibly moving to Iowa (we're planning on moving anyway, just havent really decided where yet, theres a couple of places we are interested in) so tonight we are going to do some more pros and cons planning and see if we can come to an agreement of some kind.

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