Today I am playing along with Destiny over at Rockin Mama for her Bleep In The Blank. Head on over and link up your own answers!!!
1. Sometimes when I am alone I __sleep____. (The only damn time I actually get any sleep is when the kids and the SO are gone)
2. My zodiac sign is __Leo______, that means I _like to be the center of attention____.
3. My drink of choice is _Dr. Pepper___, because it makes me _so happy I could shit___.
4. My favorite movie quote line is_"Oh yeah? Why dont you suck on these little Chinese nuts? ____, because__Ken Jeong is funny as shit and it brings back funny memories of my mom.____________.
5. My typical day is filled with _coffee_____,_stress___, and _tried patience____.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Weekend Of Celebration
This weekend in our small town, we had a huge celebration. There was dances and concerts Friday and Saturday night, breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, a parade Saturday, inflatable toys, ice cream making, a petting zoo, and lots and lots of fun!
The thing that made my weekend whole family was here...crashing at my house. Now my family is pretty close. We tell each other everything and we do everything together.
Friday afternoon, I drove my children to spend the weekend with their father. After I arrived back home, my mom and I picked up around the house and ran to the store. Both my sisters arrived at the same time. After hugs and hi's we maneuvered our way into the house. Ten minutes later, my little brother showed up with his girlfriend.
We all got ready to go out Friday night. After spending all night out on the town, we headed home about 2AM. The best part for me you ask?? Being the DD:) At least everyone arrived home safely.
Saturday morning---Sisters wake me up to go eat breakfast.....FAIL! By the time we arrived at the breakfast buffet, it was over. So we decided to stay and watch the parade. While they were throwing candy out, someone made the comment that it would be a lot better if my children were in tow this weekend because then they would have an excuse to run towards the candy!
After the parade we all came home, and got ready to go to the car show. IT WAS HOT!! Unless you have been pregnant in the summer, people don't understand when you say that you are sweating to death because of the extra 50 pounds you are carrying around. The shade was my best friend and I tried everything possible to hide under the trees!
After the car show, I was ready to go to home. I had spent 4 hours outside, sweating, waddling around, and MISERABLE!!! The best solution to this........SNOW CONES!
Saturday night, I stayed home. I didn't feel like spending another night up town watching a bunch of drunk people, although I will admit, it is pretty cheap entertainment:)
My sisters, my brother and my mom went out and M and I stayed at home. I did however drive to pick up my mom at about 12AM. The sisters werent ready to go, but mom had had enough for the night!
Sunday, everyone left...and my house was pretty destroyed but man was it quiet!!!!! All in all it was a pretty good weekend!! I miss the family now!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Feed Me Friday--Email Subscription Hop
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
PYHO: Struggles With My Son
I have been struggling for weeks, months, possibly even over a year with my 4yo son. It seems like no matter what I do, it's impossible to get him to listen. I truly believe the child suffers from ADHD, but until he reaches school age no doctor will diagnose him or give medicine for him. Between the massive screaming, arguing, crying (more me than him), and all the anguish.
Here is just an example of what I have been through over the last week with him:
Here is just an example of what I have been through over the last week with him:
- He slapped his sister and when asked to stop he laughs in my face.
- He got so angry last night after being told he couldn't watch any TV that his face got so red and he started shaking his head and let out this belting high pitched scream.
- Fighting him to get in the tub last night, he threw himself on the floor and laid there, forcing the child to have to take his clothes off.
- He refuses to listen to anything you say. He will tune you out. Some days I feel like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Example: AD pick up your toys.....ignore..AD throw your wrappers away..ignore..
- He will argue with me about everything. Yesterday he asked me what color the sky was and I told him blue, his response, "no mom it's green" "No, AD it's blue" "It's green you stupid!"
Now I know some of you are thinking, well that's just a normal 4yo child, but I don't think it is. Now I hate that I put a diagnosis on my child, but if figuring out his diagnosis would make his life a little better, that's what I wish they would do. I hate seeing him get so upset and angry that he just doesn't know what to do with himself. It truly breaks my heart and stresses me out to the max! I'm hoping with him starting preschool in August, that they might ACTUALLY start doing something or at least looking into it......One could only hope
Follow Me Back Tuesday
I love finding new blogs to read. Especially ones I can relate to, so tonight I came across this FMBT blog hop!

Follow me and I'll follow back:)
How it Works
Follow me and I'll follow back:)
How it Works
- Follow all 3 Hosts & Guest Host's - Spots 1-5 leave a comment w/ a link to your blog so we can follow you back ( only leave a comment that you follow if you actually follow )
- Snag our button & make a F.M.B.T. post.
- After you post use that link to add your blog to the hop along with your blog name
( NO BLOG HOPs & GIVEAWAYS PLEASE ) These entries will be deleted.
- Follow the blogs you like & Follow Back who follows you ( Remember to leave a comment so you can be followed back )
- And most importantly - Have Fun and Come back and see us every Tuesday !!
You can link up ever Tuesday at 12:00am est.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A Post For My Dad
I wasn't going to write a post today. I actually wasn't even going to turn the computer on, but since I woke up this morning and my TV doesn't seem to be working, I turned my computer on, without thinking.
Now here I sit, only having been awake for an hour and spending almost a whole 45 minutes of that time in tears. I knew today would be hard, but man oh man is it really hard. So here's a post for my dad and the amazing man he was.
My dad, Steve, became a father in 1981, although he didn't become my father until 1989. He was an amazing father when I was little. I remember growing up and spending every Monday night in front of the television with him watching WWF and WCW wrestling while he painted my sisters' and my toes with his "red" marker.
My parents got divorced in 1998 and it was a difficult couple of years for everyone, but in the end it all worked out. My mom and dad became best friends. We were a very close knit family.
Now here I sit, only having been awake for an hour and spending almost a whole 45 minutes of that time in tears. I knew today would be hard, but man oh man is it really hard. So here's a post for my dad and the amazing man he was.
My dad, Steve, became a father in 1981, although he didn't become my father until 1989. He was an amazing father when I was little. I remember growing up and spending every Monday night in front of the television with him watching WWF and WCW wrestling while he painted my sisters' and my toes with his "red" marker.
This is my father painting my children's toes last summer:)
Growing up, we were always told we couldn't use these red markers. They were his. He used to them
highlight car magazines and mark things off in his many many magazines. That was one of his favorite hobbies.My parents got divorced in 1998 and it was a difficult couple of years for everyone, but in the end it all worked out. My mom and dad became best friends. We were a very close knit family.
My dad and my mom at my sisters' graduations last year.
I lived with my dad throughout my high school years. We got very close and built a great relationship with each other my senior year in high school.
This is also the year I had AD (Papa Steve's little man) AD was not the first grandchild though, my dad became a grandpa in 1998.
Papa Steve with his first two grand kids
Papa Steve and his other two grandchildren
I miss you everyday. I wish you were still here. I would give anything just to talk to you, or see your face. I really wish you were here today. Today is difficult....more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I miss you sooo soo much!!!
Happy Father's Day to You In Heaven Daddy!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
This week over at Kate Takes 5, her listography theme is inventions I wish were real. So here are my 5 inventions I wish were real.
1. An invisible cape: There are several days when I wish I could be invisible, a fly on the wall if you will, so I would give anything to be able to run to my bedroom, throw on my invisible cape, and go about my day as if I wasn't around. I think a lot of this comes from my insecurities and my trust issues, but if I can't be in someone's mind, I'll just be "present" in their conversations:)
2. A "freeze time" button- I would give anything to have a button that I could push to just freeze time. Seriously, I have no idea where the last 5 years of my life have gone. While driving to supper tonight, M and I were talking about how AD could ride the bus next year to preschool and it hit me like a big smack in the face! HOLY CRAP! School? A couple of days a week with no AD.......How in the world is he old enough for this.
3. Time Travel- I know this one kind of has to do with number 2 as well, but I wish I could go back in time. Grant it yes, there are things I would like a "do over" on. My senior prom-do over, dropping out of high school- do over, hell even eating that brownie yesterday morning for breakfast-do over, but on a more serious note, I would give anything to be able to travel back in time two months. I would at least be able to say good bye to my father and be in the hospital room with him when he passed. Even just being able to travel back in time to a place when I was younger just so I could see him one more time would be amazing to me!
4. A Mute Button- This one kind of reminds me of the remote from 'Click'. Man, I would give ANYTHING for that kind of remote. Why? Well while in the middle of a movie, the kids run out and start arguing....."mute"....M comes home and is crabby because I didn't get this or that done that day....."mute"....A run in with an "old friend" while at the grocery store who doesn;t know when to quit talking...."mute"
5. An Easy Button- This one is kind of funny. One invention that would make life easier? How about an EASY button. Push it and thing simply get easier. There's no stress, no drama, no anger......It would be an easy day:)
1. An invisible cape: There are several days when I wish I could be invisible, a fly on the wall if you will, so I would give anything to be able to run to my bedroom, throw on my invisible cape, and go about my day as if I wasn't around. I think a lot of this comes from my insecurities and my trust issues, but if I can't be in someone's mind, I'll just be "present" in their conversations:)
2. A "freeze time" button- I would give anything to have a button that I could push to just freeze time. Seriously, I have no idea where the last 5 years of my life have gone. While driving to supper tonight, M and I were talking about how AD could ride the bus next year to preschool and it hit me like a big smack in the face! HOLY CRAP! School? A couple of days a week with no AD.......How in the world is he old enough for this.
3. Time Travel- I know this one kind of has to do with number 2 as well, but I wish I could go back in time. Grant it yes, there are things I would like a "do over" on. My senior prom-do over, dropping out of high school- do over, hell even eating that brownie yesterday morning for breakfast-do over, but on a more serious note, I would give anything to be able to travel back in time two months. I would at least be able to say good bye to my father and be in the hospital room with him when he passed. Even just being able to travel back in time to a place when I was younger just so I could see him one more time would be amazing to me!
4. A Mute Button- This one kind of reminds me of the remote from 'Click'. Man, I would give ANYTHING for that kind of remote. Why? Well while in the middle of a movie, the kids run out and start arguing....."mute"....M comes home and is crabby because I didn't get this or that done that day....."mute"....A run in with an "old friend" while at the grocery store who doesn;t know when to quit talking...."mute"
5. An Easy Button- This one is kind of funny. One invention that would make life easier? How about an EASY button. Push it and thing simply get easier. There's no stress, no drama, no anger......It would be an easy day:)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Rockin The Bump
Shell at Things I Can't Say is having a fun link up for baby bumps.
==The first time I was pregnant(2007) with baby number 1==
This was when I was about 3 months pregnant. My mom was dying to have this kind of picture.
That's me with the long black hair (hated that hair color) with my mom and my sister getting ready to celebrate my niece's 8th birthday party.
==When I was pregnant with baby number 2(2008)==
This picture was taken about 2 weeks before she was born.
My best friend in college wanted to take this picture the night we decided to have a girl's night. She thought I looked cute!
==Baby Number 3(2011)
This is me at 9 weeks with the Little Bean to be:)
And this is me currently....bun in oven and all:) (only 7 weeks left of cooking)
Now head on over and link up!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Downfalls of This Pregnancy
At almost 33 weeks, you would think that I would be feeling top notch in my pregnancy......but I'm not.
Things that are STILL wrong with me:
Things that are STILL wrong with me:
- At 33 weeks pregnant, most mornings I am still puking my guts out (thank you morning sickness, you fricken rock!)
- My little
devil spawnangel has been laying on my sciatic nerve for the last 3 weeks, making it very impossible to move. - Not only is my back being a piece of shit, my hip has decided that it wants to make me limp like I've been beat to death.
- Don't even get me started on the boobs. I swear if I itch them any harder, they are going to fall off from being so raw. This is ridiculous!
- I would like to enjoy a day where I don't suffer from a migraine and I could move off the couch and TRY to get some house work done. (Also not helping with my nesting feeling)
- I'm tired. So very tired and I know it's only going to get SO MUCH BETTER!!!!
I love my children to death, but I swore after the first one that I would never have a child again, also said this after the second one and am now carrying my third saying the same damn thing. I hate being pregnant. I am not one of those women who enjoys it one little bit. I am sick from beginning to end and my attitude, I'm surprised M is still with me at this point. Only 7 more weeks to go!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
31 Weeks
Had my doctors appointment today for Little Bean. We are currently 31 1/2 weeks pregnant and counting down the weeks until she is here. I am MISERABLE! This heat is ridiculous. I never thought I would find myself saying this, but I would give ANYTHING for there to be some snow on the ground right about now!
Everything at the doc looked good. I am measuring correctly, I am gaining weight like a stuffed hog, everything is good!:) We start 2 week appointments 2 weeks from now!
Everything at the doc looked good. I am measuring correctly, I am gaining weight like a stuffed hog, everything is good!:) We start 2 week appointments 2 weeks from now!
31 weeks and STILL GROWING!!!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Things I've Been Meaning To Do
Every month over at I'm A Lazy Mom she does this link up of things she's been meaning to do. I read it last month and enjoyed it so I decided that I would participate this month.
The Things I've Been Meaning To Do
I need to finish cleaning my daughter's room. We started this process two days ago and still have yet to accomplish the whole thing. At least you can kind of see the floor now.
Last summer we decided to tear out our old bathroom and rebuild it. It is now a year and a month later and I still have yet to paint the bathroom walls.
I should probably finish the floor eventually too
And I should probably put the door on as well:)
I should dust too! This is a stand in my dining room. I even wrote "hi!" in it to show you how bad it is!
This is just a start of things that I really have to get done. I will be having a baby in the next 8 weeks and I need to get the crib set up, get all of the baby's clothes organized by size and sort them out. I need to clean my room and get it organized. I have papers piled up on my dresser that need to be filed from last year yet.
I will stop here today with the list of stuff I need to do, but I could continue on forever.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Day From Hell
This morning started off nice. Got to sleep in, made coffee, got to enjoy a couple of cups before the kids started arguing,got to skip out on watching cartoons and got to watch Dr. Oz (only because the kids were in their rooms playing). So I thought that today was going to be a great day..........
The kids and I headed out the door at about 11AM to go run some errands. When I arrived at the first destination, I realized that I had grabbed the wrong paperwork off the table and was already a half hour from home. So now I have to figure out where the correct paperwork is since I thought I had it all together.
I get home and flip on the light switch in the kitchen. No light. I think to myself "damn, I just changed this lightbulb". Walk to the dining room and flip that switch. No light. REALLY?!?! What the hell? Come to find out, M forgot to may the electric bill on Tuesday so while we were gone running errands the electric company came and shut us off! AWESOME!
Call the electric company to pay the bill. They want not just the phone bill, but a deposit AND a reconnect fee. That totally wasn't factored in the budget! Thanks for that jerks. So I go to pay with my card and they inform me that there will be a 5 dollar and some odd cent charge to use my card. SERIOUSLY!?! Like you aren't jipping me out of enough money. *Reminder--Always do everything myself, just makes it easier*
Electric company turns lights back on. SUCCESS. The failure part of that....trying to find something for the kids to do for 45 minutes without lights. Thank you for making my day ten times more stressful!
After I get the kids all situated back in front of the TV *Dont judge* I decide to sit and relax. After the kids' cartoon is over they decide they want to go outside and play. In the process of getting their shoes on, my shoes on and pushing them out the door, my stress meter goes up a bit more! Once outside AN decides she has to pee, so I go to take her in the house AND.........the damn door is locked! AWESOME!!!!!!!! So while my 3yo daughter stands outside and cries because she has to pee, I am trying to manuever my 32 week pregnant butt through a window that happened to get left unlocked.
Is it 9pm yet? Because I am totally ready for bed!!
The kids and I headed out the door at about 11AM to go run some errands. When I arrived at the first destination, I realized that I had grabbed the wrong paperwork off the table and was already a half hour from home. So now I have to figure out where the correct paperwork is since I thought I had it all together.
I get home and flip on the light switch in the kitchen. No light. I think to myself "damn, I just changed this lightbulb". Walk to the dining room and flip that switch. No light. REALLY?!?! What the hell? Come to find out, M forgot to may the electric bill on Tuesday so while we were gone running errands the electric company came and shut us off! AWESOME!
Call the electric company to pay the bill. They want not just the phone bill, but a deposit AND a reconnect fee. That totally wasn't factored in the budget! Thanks for that jerks. So I go to pay with my card and they inform me that there will be a 5 dollar and some odd cent charge to use my card. SERIOUSLY!?! Like you aren't jipping me out of enough money. *Reminder--Always do everything myself, just makes it easier*
Electric company turns lights back on. SUCCESS. The failure part of that....trying to find something for the kids to do for 45 minutes without lights. Thank you for making my day ten times more stressful!
After I get the kids all situated back in front of the TV *Dont judge* I decide to sit and relax. After the kids' cartoon is over they decide they want to go outside and play. In the process of getting their shoes on, my shoes on and pushing them out the door, my stress meter goes up a bit more! Once outside AN decides she has to pee, so I go to take her in the house AND.........the damn door is locked! AWESOME!!!!!!!! So while my 3yo daughter stands outside and cries because she has to pee, I am trying to manuever my 32 week pregnant butt through a window that happened to get left unlocked.
Is it 9pm yet? Because I am totally ready for bed!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I'm A Screamer!
Growing up, I don't recall my mom ever spanking me. However, I do recall a lot of yelling and screaming. I swore to myself I'd never turn out to be that way just because I thought it sounded so unpleasing. Who wants to listen to someone scream all day? There were also some days that made me feel rather crappy about myself, although I know she never meant to make me feel that way. (She's more than made up for it now) So I told myself never ever would I scream that way at my own kids.........I was wrong.
It seems since the day AD turned two years old, I haven't stopped screaming! The terrible twos were the worst for me. When we finally made it through them I thought for sure the screaming would calm down...Wrong again!
It seems since the day AD turned two years old, I haven't stopped screaming! The terrible twos were the worst for me. When we finally made it through them I thought for sure the screaming would calm down...Wrong again!
Barely after AD stopped his terrible two actions, AN decided she would kick it into high gear and start causing me the same hair pulling, stressed out, screaming filled days. Then to top it off, the kids' dad and I were going through a divorce so AD was acting out worse then normal.
I blame a lot of the screaming from that year on adjustment. Adjustments for me and adjustments for the kids. I was dealing with being a single parent and the stress that came with it. I was also trying to deal with children who were disciplined differently when they weren't with me.
Things got easier. Things lightened up, but I still find myself screaming several times a day. I have tried time outs, I have tried pretty much anything I can possibly think of. I think some days I forget that I am dealing with a 4yo and a 3yo and the things I might be screaming at them for are not realistic. Other days, I think my 4yo finds it fun to see how far he can really push my buttons before I'll explode!
After spending the weekend away, I find myself once again screaming until my lungs are sore! I swear if I have to hear one more time, "well dad lets me do this!" or "dad said that" Good for Dad, but Mom doesn't approve and you know that considering I have only told you fifteen hundred billion times not do that.
I sit here and think to myself that some day it will get better, but then I think that their teenage years are right around the corner and the screaming is only just beginning.............CRAP!
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